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Est-il acceptable d’humilier quelqu’un sous votre commandement si cela aide à motiver le reste de votre équipe?
Qu’est-ce que vous en pensez? Pensez aux conséquences immédiates. Le positif l’emporte-t-il sur le négatif ? Devez-vous traiter tout le monde de la même façon? Une équipe devrait-elle s’occuper de tous ses membres?

With regards to military to performance, treating people equally would be counterproductive. People should not be treated as if they can do everything equally, as this would prevent necessary skills from being developed. Different people will need to work on different things if they are to contribute most effectively to the group.

Everybody should be judged by the same standards and rewarded/punished accordingly for their performance. However, this is very different to using humiliation, which is corrosive to unit cohesion and can destroy loyalty.

Ted S. Westhusing, ‘Equality Within Military Organizations’, Journal of Military Ethics, 5 (2006), p9-10.
