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Is it weakness to tell someone if you have been psychologically affected by combat?
What do you think? This might help you receive the support you need to enable you to cope. Are you weak if you ask for help? What about if you don’t ask?

Many people are worried about how others might think of them if they seek help for mental health issues. However, delaying treatment because of this can be a significant and dangerous barrier to diagnosis and receiving appropriate treatment.

The influence of stigma can be so significant that many will choose to endure the impacts of mental health conditions – even when they know they can be relieved or cured with treatment – rather than risk making others aware of what they fear will be perceived as a flaw or weakness. In many ways the stigma associated with mental health problems is actually more disabling than the condition itself.

Perceiving seeking treatment as a weakness is wholly wrong.

Some useful resources in the US:

If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255) to reach a trained counselor. Use that same number and press “1” to reach the Veterans Crisis Line.

The Real Warriors Campaign promotes a culture of support for psychological health by encouraging the military community to reach out for help whether coping with the daily stresses of military life, or concerns like depression, anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder. The campaign links service members, veterans and their families with care and provides free, confidential resources including online articles, print materials, videos and podcasts. If you or someone you know is coping with any concerns, know that reaching out is a sign of strength. https://www.realwarriors.net

Connect with the Veterans Crisis Line to reach caring, qualified responders with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Many of them are Veterans themselves. https://www.veteranscrisisline.net
