Education and Training in Military Ethics
This section contains resources related to education and training in military ethics

What Should We Mean by ‘Military Ethics’?
Martin L Cook & Henrik Syse Journal of Military Ethics, Vol 9, 2010, Issue 2

Military Ethics: An Introduction with Case Studies
Stephen Coleman Oxford University Press, 2012

The Euro ISME Book Series in Military Ethics
Editor-in-Chief: Ted van Baarda International Studies on Military Ethics is a peer reviewed series of monographs, theses and edited volumes, published by Brill

Ethics and Armed Forces
An international E-Journal for recent topics of military ethics and security policy. Well-known authors critically examine recent issues of modern warfare from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Case Studies in Ethics for Military Leaders
Rick Rubel & George Lucas . 5th Edition, Pearson, 2014

Methodology for Creating Military Medical Ethics Education Tools
An explanation of the origins and development of the Military Medical Ethics playing cards and app

Peace Operations Training Institute
The Peace Operations Training Institute provides globally accessible self-paced, online, on-demand courses on peace support, humanitarian relief, and security operations at little to no cost to the student.
A Persistent Fire - The Strategic Ethical Impact of World War I on the Global Profession of Arms Featured
Many different subjects covered, from religion, through technology, to society
Key references
Academic Papers

Videos and other media

The Military Ethics Education Playing Cards
A short video explaining the training tool that you can find on this site (see menu options above)

Martin Cook: The Just War Tradition in the Contemporary World
US Naval War College Ethics 2015

Don Snider: Ethics and the Military Profession (introduction by Rear Adm. Carter)
US Naval War College Ethics 2013
Other resources

The Strategy Bridge - Review of the Military Ethics Education Playing Cards
Ray Kimball - 4 May 2022