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Vous découvrez qu’un collègue évite délibérément l’entraînement physique en faisant semblant d’être malade.
Que devez-vous faire? Pourquoi est-ce un problème?

Knowledge of these actions may present a test of integrity: a situation where the right thing to do is fairly clear however it is relatively difficult for the person involved to actually do the right thing in this particular situation. In the case presented this may be because they may become unpopular with the individual claiming to be ill and possibly other members of their cohort for telling. Doing the right thing is a difficult thing to do and you should consider all of the possible consequences of your actions, including the negative ones, but also remember that the military needs people who will do what is right, regardless of the situation.

Stephen Coleman, ‘The Problems of Duty and Loyalty’, Journal of Military Ethics, 8 (2009), p106, 108-109.
